Country Park Café to Close?

I heard this week via the Friends of Milton Country Park that the café may have to close. The head ranger had emailed them as follows:

“I am passing on news with the approval of my manager and you can circulate it in fact please circulate it.

“Cambridge Mencap have decided to pull out of the kiosk for reasons connected with [Cambridge Sport Lakes] that may get coverage in the media this week. This leaves us with yet another problem to sort out.

“We know how valuable even basic refreshments are to visitors and are going to look and see if [SCDC] can run this service at a very low level ourselves. However we may need help with staffing, we have one person who is interested but need more, ideally with a hygiene certificate as a minimum.

If anyone can help please get in touch with the park on 01223 420060.”

So as requested we’re circulating this news.