Green Bin Survey at SCDC Cabinet

You will remember that we ran a survey of villagers views South Cambridgeshire District Council‘s proposed changes to winter green bin collections. We had a total of 147 full responses and the results were passed on to SCDC.

At their cabinet meeting on 13th February this issue was discussed and the minutes are now online. Under the minutes for item 65, Business Improvement Efficiency Programme: Waste & Recycling Review you can find details of what was discussed. Of particular interest to you if you helped with the survey will be this excerpt:

Councillor Hazel Smith referred to a survey that had been conducted in Milton on the subject of waste and recycling, which had received 147 responses in three days and returned some interesting comments on how the different bins were used by residents. Some of the comments received in response to proposed changes to collection cycles included the following:

  • lots of people had pet waste and would prefer the retention of a fortnightly collection;
  • people living in flats or apartments might find it difficult to compost;
  • a collection at Christmas would still be required to enable the recycling of cardboard and used Christmas trees.

Councillor Martin stated that one of the challenges for the team would be to look into some of these issues and identify provision in terms of what residents needed.

They agreed to go forward with the proposals for a four weekly green bin collection in the winter. Full council are debating SCDC’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, of which this now forms part, on Thursday (27/2) and we know that at least one councillor will be raising it there although the decision is very unlikely to be changed now.