IVC Bus Free Bus Withdrawal – Appeal Hearing

The Appeal Hearing against the decision to withdraw the Milton to IVC school bus is being held on Tuesday (30/6) at 10am at Shire Hall Council Chambers and the Appeal Group has this message for the village:

In case anyone is not aware (and those entitled to attend SHOULD have received the details already..) the Appeal Hearing against the decision to withdraw the Milton to IVC school bus is being held next Tuesday, 30th June, at 10am at Shire Hall Council Chambers.

We hope that all parents/carers who appealed, and are able to attend, will do so. It is very important that we have as much support as possible when we all put our case.. even if you have not been able to take part so far.. please do come along – this is where and when the decision about the bus will be made!!

A lot of hard work, by a lot of people, has gone in to putting a case together.. but those people need the support of everyone whose children will be affected!

..and if, by any chance, you appealed and have NOT received an acknowledgement and the pack of papers about the hearing, DO get in touch with the Council and let them know!! – It seems one or two appeals may have not got through…