School Governor with Business and Community Links Needed

The governing body at Milton CE Primary wants to appoint a governor to support the Governing Body in its drive for closer liaison with local businesses and groups. Milton currently has a small number of well-established relationships with business where the businesses fulfil some of their aims around corporate social responsibility and the children benefit from inspiring workshops that enrich the curriculum. The governing body want to increase the number and strength of these relationships. Cambridgeshire schools are particularly poorly funded and therefore looking for business support for curriculum enrichment is an important part of increasing the breadth and vitality of the children’s education at Milton.

The governing body represents a range of expertise and backgrounds. Parents are represented on the governing body and a number of governors have an education background. However, for this governor appointment the emphasis is on business and community links and therefore the right person need not be a parent or have a background in education. Governors are usually appointed or elected for four years. Many companies support their employees as school governors by allowing some time to be used for governing purposes.

If you are interested please initially make contact with either:-
The headteacher – Mrs Anna Reader at the school tel 01223 508783, or
Chair of Governors – Dr David Lee tel 01223 862350, for a short conversation about the role.

Application in the form of a short letter, stating experience and reasons for interest will then be required. This should be sent to:-
    Clerk to the Governing Body c/o the School by Friday, June 26th.

Interviews will be held in the morning of Thursday, July 2nd.