Abbey – Chesterton bridge

Hopefully you are already aware of a proposal for a new bridge over the Cam parallel with and close to the railway to complete the missing link when the Chisholm Trail is completed. The proposed bridge will sit as close as possible to the existing railway bridge and the trail that connects to it will run alongside the railway tracks. This is to ensure the least possible impact on Ditton Meadows.

The bridge will benefit those in Milton who work at Addenbrooke’s, attend either of the city’s sixth form colleges, or who work anywhere in the eastern city or even Cherry Hinton as they will no longer have to go down to the Green Dragon bridge and struggle over that.

The proposal has been brought in the face of some opposition from, in particular, the Friends of Ditton Meadows and as a result there is now an online petition to support the idea of a bridge.

You can find the petition here on the County Council web site.