Rhino on the Loose in the Park

Regular visitors to Milton Country Park will have seen all manner of wildlife there but this Saturday (5/12) at 9am there will be a rhinoceros running the 5K parkrun hoping to raise funds for the charity, Save The Rhino.

Jim Mowatt Saving a Rhino
No poachers please I’m endangered.

Jim Mowatt who will be travelling all the way from The Rowans has borrowed a rhino costume from the charity and is running several parkruns all over the country in the next few weeks. He is fundraising and in training for The London Marathon. He’s never run a marathon before and so reckons 26 miles may be too far in full rhino regalia. However, he has high hopes that he can manage 5K in this remarkable costume.

Jim’s fundraising page is at uk.virginmoneygiving.com/jimmowatt