The Christmas White Rose

46233 “Duchess of Sutherland” is hauling The Christmas White Rose from Cambridge to York and back this Thursday (17/12). Timings on suggest that the train will pass Fen Road level crossing at about 07:45 heading north however at that point it like it will be diesel hauled with 46233 immediately behind it and then the coaches.

It will only be up at March where 46233 takes the lead and the diesel moves to the rear of the train. It will reach the level crossing again at about 22:25 coming south but there is will be steam hauled with the diesel on the rear of the train.

We think this may be only the second time that 46233 has been our way, the previous time being August 2008 but sadly, given Thursday’s timings, it may be difficult for the photographers among us to get photos to add to the Milton Level Crossing Flickr group album.

Thanks to Martin for the heads up and links.