Changes to route 9 bus

Notice has been given to a lot of changes to bus route number 9 Littleport-Ely-Cambridge

  • 05:30 journey between Ely and Cambridge now operates as route 9 (was X9) and also includes Waterbeach, Landbeach and Milton (Monday to Friday).
  • Route 9 journeys between Cambridge and Milton now include Landbeach and Cambridge North railway station.
  • Route 9 journeys between Ely and Cambridge no longer serve Landbeach – avoiding crossing A10 twice to improve reliability.
  • No longer serves Bannold Road, Cody Road, Kirby Road or Capper Road in Waterbeach.
  • New 15:50 journey between Littleport and Ely (Monday to Friday).
  • Amended 17:05 journey between Ely and Cambridge now operates as X9 and no longer serves Waterbeach.
  • New 17:22 route 9 journey between Ely and Cambridge (Monday to Saturday)
  • 05:30 and 06:00 X9 journeys between Ely and Cambridge no longer operate (Saturday).
  • New 16:20 X9 journey between Cambridge and Ely (Monday to Saturday).
  • 07:30 route 9 journey between Cambridge and Ely no longer operates (Saturday).
  • Minor amendments to most departure times.

If you take the number 9 past Ely there are are also changes to the Ely–Chatteris-March part of the route that can be seen on the County Council website.