Milton News: HELP WANTED

If you’re reading this you will be aware of, the website for Milton village run by volunteers. The news articles published also go into the newsletter “Milton News” and on to Facebook and Twitter.

When the person who created and ran Milton News left Milton it was a bit of a rush to find someone to keep it up. Interest wasn’t great, and it was about to be dropped in favour of an events calendar.

And then came Covid-19.

The recent pandemic has thrown into sharp relief how much we need our community and how badly we need to be able to talk to each other, to share information and do things that cost us little but make a huge difference to others. The valuable part is when people take time to write a little news article, when people take time to respond to a question like “where will deliver me a food box?” and when someone takes a moment to collate all that and publish in on the website.

What we need now is some volunteers to take turns – a week or two at a time – in being Milton News editor. We have a shiny new easy-to-use website (training given, remotely of course), we have an email address for people to send in news items ( and now we need some people to be our editing team. Could you spare enough time to read the emails sent in, check the Facebook group and write up a couple of short articles for the website? It takes anything from 15 to 90 minutes a week, split however is convenient for you. If you can get in touch now via email to or through